Product Accessibility Resources

For people without disabilities, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities, technology makes things possible. (IBM Training Manual 1991)

Adobe Accessibility

Adobe’s accessibility website allows visitors to find information on the accessibility options in specific Adobe products, as well as Adobe’s general accessibility compliance. Also has case studies, examples of Adobe products being used for accessibility, and a link to the Adobe Reader page which has the Adobe Reade Screen Reader User’s Guide.

Apple Accessibility

Apple’s accessibility website offers information on the accessibility features built into Apple software and hardware. Also provides a link to a resources page with a list of mac-focused accessibility webpages and third-party solutions.

IBM Accessibility Center

The IBM accessibility site provides numerous resources for those interested in IBM’s efforts in improving accessibility in the IT industry. There is also the AbilityLab, which has developed several pieces of software designed to enhance communication for those with visual and audible impairments.

Microsoft Accessibility

The Microsoft accessibility site provides information on accessibility features for Windows 10, Office 365, and Edge. Also offers tutorials on using these features, as well as other accessibility initiatives Microsoft has undertaken.

Google Accessibility

Google’s site gives an overview of the accessibility features in its family of products, including Chrome, Android, Gmail, and Docs.

Learning Management Systems

These sites provide overviews of the accessibility features within common digital classroom or learning management systems like Blackboard, Canvas, Google Classroom, and so on.

Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS):

Canvas LMS:

Desire2Learn (D2L) Brightspace:


Google Classroom LMS:



Video/Web Conferencing

These provide an overview of the accessibility features within common video/web conferencing platforms like Zoom, Adobe Connect, BlueJeans, and more.

Talking Communities:


Adobe Connect:

Blue Jeans:

Google Hangouts:


WebEx Meetings:

Video Platforms

These sites provide an overview of the accessibility features within the video hosting platforms YouTube and Vimeo.

