ASCIT Program Membership Directory

Below is a list of ASCIT Program’s members and the organizations they represent. If you’re attending a conference and see any of these names, come by and say hello.

Able South CarolinaE.K Hoffman,
Ali Ruegamer,
Brooke Macdonald,
Sarah Massengale
Access South Carolina IT (ASCIT)Laura Mattingly
Clemson Online with Clemson UniversityMichelle Tuten
Community Literacy Lab logo in blue 2 people jpgs with a bookPenny Esterley,
Randy Esterley
Deque SystemsCB Averitt
SC Assistive Technology ProgramTammy Wallace
South Carolina Commission for the BlindDavid Bundy
South Carolina Department of EducationValarie D. Byrd,
Madalina Tudora,
Pieter Cargill,
Will McCain
SC School for the Deaf and the BlindClay Jeffcoat
South Carolina State LibraryCaroline Smith
University of South CarolinaDr Ismahan Arslan-Ari,
Clayton Copeland,
David Dawson,
Dow Hammond,
Aisha Haynes,
Susan Quinn

Table last updated April 2022.